Sunday, March 2, 2008

HK ... countdown

i'm now counting down the days to the day i'm flying off to HK... which is 24 march... few things i will miss when i'm in HK

1. the new release of LM
2. all my KL and SG friends and sisters
3. the next workshop in KL (again)
4. noone to celebrate my birthday agian this year.. will be alone in HK
5. and i will miss A alot .....

3 months in HK ... how's my life going to be ???? good, bad or worst? i can't tell... no one can tell ... i just haev to wait and see...


Editor said...

I KNOW what your life will be! You're going to feel very hot in HK! Summer is coming! :p

Kelvin said...

hahaha so bad lah you ..

ladynina said...

u r going to be fine. :-)
3 months is nothing lerr..

Kelvin said...

hahha yeha .. i guess so .. thanks babe

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