Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 = fitness

i'm proud of my self... first day of new year went for combat and today i went for Leo killer pump. HE DID THE X'MAS BICEP TRACK!!!!!! i hate that track .. but anyway .. i survive the pump class.. and did half of his combat class.. he did all the old school tracks way back to BC 14 ... Wild Boyz as warm up ... the last time i did that track was 2 years ago in FF Axis. damn i miss those days where i play old releases.... kinda slow but yet fun and loving music :).
This week is all about gym gym and more gym, since i'm on leave must as well use this time to get back in shape with all the festive meals :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

goodbye 2008 hello 2009

hello peeps,

is time to say good bye and don;t visit me anymore to all the unhappy moments in 2008
mmmm what are all the unhappy moment in 2008
1. lost my relationship due to work
2. unable to teach combat and pump in SG as much as in KL
3. my beloved dog passed away
4. putting on weight
5. failure in dating.
6. been sick very often
not puting anymore in the list haha

but what i'm looking forward in 2009

1. another promotion :)
2. new relationship
3. teach class in FF
4. better health
5. world peace :) hahahahah so beauty queen
well world peace means not econ crisis and everything back to normal.. happily ever after. can go back buying my desiger/branded products..... Prada LV or Hermes :)
Ben Tang my beloved big sis told me to quit smoking ... the other day .. not sure if i can do it sis, but i will try my best...
2008 marked the 2nd year me living in singapore... not sure how long more i will stay here... no one knows what will happen.. but i know.. one day i will moved back to KL ... so HRH Nut... watch out.. the HRH Slut will be back :) hur hur
sharing with you all some of the 2008 moments .....

see you all in 2009

Saturday, October 18, 2008

after 6 months

After so much of failure R/S in Singpore, moved to a new category business in my office, been traveling across the sea for so many times, wooking from 9 to 5 .. wait.. 8 to 9 on weeksday, burnt most of my weekend away due to work i'm finaly back here writing and updating my blog.

this is me now...

nothing but work... i don't have a work life balance in Singapore... workaholic.. :) nah,, but just too bz with works till i can realy anjoy my life. seriously.. i do miss clubbing ... the only time i club was back in KL where i meet up with my Nutty Nut and few others close buddies thats all ..well yeah i did went out Party in Portland :) but beside that life in singapore is very quite for me... sigh. can't wait to go back next month to see all my buddies again don't forget my beloved LLL will be back and she will make stop by in SG around end NOv .. yeahhhhh

was wathing these 4 girls for the 15 times today :)

i'm like Miranda ...... not the Miranda from TDWP but from SATC. work .. work work... even go for holiday have to ask it there are wireless in the resort @ mexico hahhaha

yeah... i can see i'm more her now compare to Smantha :) well that me now... more a career person then before.

i'm looking forward to see her next month :) yeahhh finally aftyer waited for 7 years :)

Kylie X concert in Singapore indoor stadium on Nov 25 ..:) most of my friends will be going as well.

well is almost 5am now.. i better get some rest. well i slept earlier from 6pm to 2.30am ... so i deserve a break right :) i promise willl write more :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

HK ... countdown

i'm now counting down the days to the day i'm flying off to HK... which is 24 march... few things i will miss when i'm in HK

1. the new release of LM
2. all my KL and SG friends and sisters
3. the next workshop in KL (again)
4. noone to celebrate my birthday agian this year.. will be alone in HK
5. and i will miss A alot .....

3 months in HK ... how's my life going to be ???? good, bad or worst? i can't tell... no one can tell ... i just haev to wait and see...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap year ....

Happy leap year everyone... :)


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

change for good???

confirm going to HK this march 24. A will follow me from 24 to 30 March before starting new job on 1st April.
LL, if you reading this, not sure if i can make it for your wedding babe... very sorry ... i will try to make it to your wedding dinner.

not sure they are puting me in hotel or service apt .... what you all think ??? hotel or service apt ar?? i also duno... but both also ok for me lah.. as long A with me i'm happy. :)

i actually not very keen to go HK since i just started this relationship with A but what to do ... work mah.. A also undertsand my situation and also very supportive on this move.

so too all my friends, if you all are planning to visit HK, pls let me know ya.. ok ..:)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

what happen to me??

since Dec 07 till now no posting from me .... this is due to

1. work .... is bad.... really bad no time to update blog

2. traveling around SEA (Southeast Asia) market visit, retial visit and HK for meeting.

3. busy moving to a new place... need to get lots of thing done... finally my in my new palce.

so let's see....

Dec 07
moved to a new place still in Bedok .. but nowbetter place... nice landlord and room .. spend about 800SGD in my room only..
also in Dec was my first time celebrate X/mas and new year over here in SG ... went to Taboo for X'mas and new year party... then things started to be good for me...
i don't really believe is this but i follow my friend to this kuan yin temple and i make 2 wishes.. on 31st Dec

Jan 08
went to taboo with my 2 clubbing kaki ... guess what they left me around 1 plus to be alone there..but that's where i met my current partner :) guess my first wish came true :)
and we started since then... we even went for our first trip to BKK had lots of fun times together, went to the four faces buddha, met up with all his bkk friends and ofcourse eat eat and eat.

spend about 1000SGD in BKK ... well not just for air tickets and also hotel lah...
crazy ar.. spend like that came back from Bkk on sat then on Sun i haev to fly off to Manila for business trip ... wah lioa.... ppl said i high flyer ... can fly here and there,, but the truth is... very tiring one... went to see a Bball game well.. i'm taking care of Men's Training and Basketball business in SEA mah.. .. continue in Feb

Feb 08

went back to KL for CNY .. have too lah .... once a year if not dad going to kill me... hahahha
met up with Eric, Bunny, and few of my close friends... was nice... hehhehe
went to cut my hair in peek- ka boo and one of my friend said.... you so cheapo lah... cut hair in KL ... well the reason was... in SG i can't find a stylist that i like... that's why ... hahah
need to find one soon.. came back to SG .... sigh.. have to prepare for sales meeting... arghhhhhhh so stress ... well... its over now.. but the worst part yet to come... i got an email form HK that APHQ needs me to cover someone while she go and give birth lah.. 3 months assigment to HK .. i was happy.. at first... but kinda sad cos my relationship just started and now i have to go for 3 months.. but we worked things out for the time being...
not sure what's his reaction if i tell him after 3 months they might extend to 2 years... finger cross.... well... that's life from dec till now... hahhaa ohhhh one more thing... i have to promote this new movie coming is call the leap years. really nice touching movie...
nice cast... joan chen ... great storyline and music... i really loved this music..
hope you enjoy it lah...