welcome to Phuket ... the journey took about 1.45 min to reach there... 45% of the passengers are from Nike so can consider as Nike Air.. when we reach Phuket there was a very long ques at the immigration wah lioa.. have to wait for so F^%king long... collected our bags, boarded the bus which will take us to the hotel.
Journey to the hotel takes about 30 min from the airport ... as usual lah .. nothing to do taking pictures to kill times.... (So Bunny). reach hotel... checked into the room... and yeahhhh shopping time... so we took the feeder bus to this place
Yes.. Central Festival Mall .... shopping... yeahhh... this mall is very big... trust me ppl really shop here.. nothing much for me to shop here cos all the brands i can find in SG so i ended up in Boots ... yeah... got myself toni and guys shampoo, hair gels, lemongrass + lemon and blueberries + lavender bodywash, FCUK shampoo, FCUK deo stick ..... hahahaha total damage was about 80 SG dollar.. :) is worth it cos it cost more if i buy the toni and guy products in SG.
as usual lah ... company will feed us till we get fat.... eat eat eat and drink drink drink all night long .... then to call it a night Bevei, Vicky and me decided to get our self starbucks coffee ... yummy.... soy latte with caramel yummy ..